Image Attribution: “Assignment 2 || Part A || Groot Cosplay” by is licensed under CC BY-SA. (See interactive map)



October 15th, 2021

VISA 1500 Fall 2021

Terryl Atkins

Assignment #2 Part A


The picture is posted by @babygrootcosplay on the event of cosplay costumes which was conducted on 21 July 2019 in San Diego, California. The image depicts the recreation of the famous Marvel character i.e., Groot. People take the various character that is developed in media and make elaborate costumes using time and money either to demonstrate something meaningful or to portrait their favorite character.  The page @babygrootcosplay has some more interesting pictures of events that have happened before across the USA. By seeing the picture, I can say that the costume is not homemade but has been specially designed by some designer for him to look so real. The details of the Character Groot are copied so accurately that even the physical aspect like height, width, hairstyle, eye details, etc. looks too real.

The picture signifies the person’s interest and dedication towards Marvel character Groot. Marvel superheroes are a popular cosplay genre that has grown in popularity over the previous two decades. Along with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, these superheroes’ comic book counterparts are frequently transformed into cosplay figures. He seems so attracted to the character that he names the profile “BabygrootCosplay” and added “I am Groot” to his bio which is a famous dialog of the character. Adding to this, the nearest possible reason for choosing Groot can be that it is a tree, and trees represent life, nourishment, and perpetual rebirth in the face of death and decay, and we are all part of this cycle. Furthermore, the tree which in this case is Groot has helped the humans in the movie i.e., Guardians of the galaxy which might be the reason for the artist to choose Groot.  On the other hand, he might portray the character just for fun.  Moreover, the texter of the costume seems amazing as it focuses on the minor details as well as some major aspects like the physical appearance. In addition to that, the shoes shaped like a wooden log were worn by the person which I think is a commendable thing. The character is portrayed as a male character both in the movie as well as in the photograph. Moreover, while seeing the movie one can even hear the male voice-over of the character which makes it sure that it’s a male. I think the person certainly is worthwhile the character as he is pursuing cosplay for a long time and has given a lot of time and money to this profession. On top of it, he has exhibited the exact portrait in such a manner that it becomes near too impossible to find a difference between him and the actual Groot in the movie.

In the end, there is no such information about the artist, I still tried to find something on his Instagram but unfortunately, there is no information about the artist. But cosplay which is been done by him is really fascinating to see and I can really see the efforts he is putting into this picture. I am glad that I got to see his as well as the costume designer’s work to be specific.

