Image Attribution: “assignment 3, visa 1500 Instagram and Facebook , David Bravo” by David is licensed under CC0. (See interactive map)
David Bravo
VISA 1500
Dr. Terryl Atkins
October 28, 2021
Assignment 3 part A
In the last decades (SNS) or social network sites have been more popular due to the use of the internet, which has been a useful tool in our modern society, for instance, one of the most popular (SNS) in the recent years is “Instagram” a social media platform that I have been using a lot a few years ago. Instagram has displayed increasing popularity in the late years ( Wagner). In this case, I used this (SNS) as a good example for positive and negative aspects. On the other hand, Facebook is the second (SNS) I most navigate daily. However, the young adults are engaged with 53% of the total followers on Instagram (Wagner). In which this means teenagers and post-secondary students have increasingly adapted to Instagram. Personally, in the last three days, I shared more content on Instagram rather than on Facebook. One of the reasons is that Instagram is more about sharing pictures and short videos (Moore and Georgiana). Hence I shared a few photographs and short videos on Instagram stories in which I consider more amicable than Facebook, sharing videos and photos will be updated on Instagram stories at least for 24hr eventually manipulating who can see the story published.
Contrarily, Facebook has lost its popularity recently by reason of the negative emotions. Facebook is perceived as something more allotted to do, as a result of it has sophisticated privacy settings compared with Instagram and Twitter (Shane et al. 277). Recognizing the lower activity of using facebook. The lower activity that I spent on facebook is, in fact, notorious, where I have not posted a single picture, video or comment in the last week. In contrast with Instagram, I spent most of my time sharing, chatting, and keeping in contact with friends and classmates. Although, in the past two days, Facebook messenger is the online messaging that is frequently used to talk and chat with a family member and friends more like interpersonal communication considering how easy and sophisticated tools Facebook messenger has to offer on an excellent quality video-calls.
Nevertheless, since I first arrived in Canada personally, I consider the use of Instagram has significantly crucial to being in contact and engaging with peers. In contrast, in Mexico, Facebook is still a huge SNS for young adults. Since 2019 the year I landed in Canada. Instagram is now the SNS that most I used as it is the fastest-growing SNS (Wagner). Particularly in North America. Finally, the experience of (FOMO) fear of missing out in both SNS is affected as a cause of SNS engagement and addiction ( Moore and Georgiana 1765). In fact, this is one of the negative consequences of using both media platforms. Where recently it’s a sensation of missing some aspects of personal life and not being connected in the real life.
Works cited
Moore, Kelly, and Georgiana Craciun. “Fear of Missing Out and Personality as Predictors of Social Networking Sites Usage: The Instagram Case.” Psychological Reports, vol. 124, no. 4, Aug. 2021, pp. 1761–1787. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1177/0033294120936184.
Shane-Simpson, Christina, et al. “Why Do College Students Prefer Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram? Site Affordances, Tensions between Privacy and Self-Expression, and Implications for Social Capital.” Computers in Human Behavior, vol. 86, Sept. 2018, pp. 276–288. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1016/j.chb.2018.04.041.
Wagner, Kurt. “Instagram Is the Fastest Growing Major Social Network.” Vox, Vox, 9 Jan. 2015,