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Taylor Swift decided to dressed as Deadpool character during her private Halloween party.  She Is wearing purchased costume. She is actually trying to portray male superhero.

1) Deadpool is 2018 American superhero based on the Marvel Comics. He has been very popular superhero and there has been number of action movies done as sequences.

2) His main attributes are not only wits and charm but also his fighting skills, speed and durability. Also, his healing powers after being wounded allows him to regenerate cells, tissues and even limbs

3) Deadpool is very prevalent in the cosplay community. Not only it is very popular children Halloween costume but even celebrities are enjoying dressing like Deadpool. Some of the celebrities like Taylor Swift or Matt Damon dressed like him.

4) Interesting fact of Deadpool character is that some audience thinks his gender is not actually clear and because he has some feminine trats in the movies, Hollywood portrays him as heterosexual but he is actually pansexual in Marvel’s comics. Even Ryan Reynolds stated that he would like to be bisexual in the future films. However, Deadpool 2 finally introduced a lesbian superhero couple between mutants Negasonic Teenage Warhead and Yukio hence Deadpool 2 was banned in China.

5) I believe that person who wants to dressed as Deadpool no matter of gender wants to show their abilities and superpowers displayed by the main character in the movie.

6) Both Taylor Swift and Ryan Reynolds are real life superheros. For example, Ryan Reynolds he tweeted about Mental Health during the mental awareness campaign called Let’s Talk. He also supports Canadian Food Banks. In addition, he also spends time and watch his movie with young cancer victim. So, in my opinion he is cool and lots of people want to be like him.