Image Attribution: “HulkBoster” by 2017-Comic_Con-Day-3-2 is licensed under CC0. (See interactive map)


Arbin Chaudhary


Dr. Terryl Atkins

18th October 2021

Assignment 2; Part A: Cosplay


Cosplay is the visual art that determines the costume play and is a performance art where the participants who are called ‘cosplayers’ generally wave fashion accessories and costumes to represent a specific character.  This is the cosplay done by the famous cosplay artist Daniel Trevizo of Claremont who is dressed up in an eight-foot giant Hulk buster which is a very popular movie from the Marvel Cinematic universe. This image is from Comic-con at the San Diego convention center in San Diego in July 2017 (Sullivan, 2017). This is the homemade costume made from high-density foam and PVC pipe (Gonzalez, n.d.).

If the person is a comic lover or addicted to the science fiction movie then they can easily recognize the character. The character in the cosplay is from the famous Marvel Cinematic Universe, which is representing the Hulkbuster. The character shown itself is huge and this represents that the cosplay artist also tries to imitate the character. The mindset can be in any context as psychologically the artist thinks the size makes him superior and help him to get over the miscellaneous problems.

The cosplayer artist in the image is a forty-three-year-old firefighter who entertains the patients at the children’s hospital in Los Angeles (Stone, n.d.). The resemblance of the character in the cosplay is showing the strongest and big in terms of size and power. The media has appreciated the cosplay of the artist Daniel Trevizo. They have admired his work as designing the costume by himself is very difficult, costly, and time-consuming.  The facial expression of the cosplayer is not like the original character of Hulk who is very aggressive in the movie or the comic.

The male cosplayers are not that much criticized. They are not part of sexual harassment in any field whether that be in the cosplay show events, social media, or the gaming world. This can be the reason that female cosplayers or even the characters in the shows or the movie are forced to wear short, sexy costumes with most of their body parts uncovered. Even in the anime, the female characters are dressed vulgarly.












Works Cited

Gonzalez, T. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Stone, C. (n.d.). Mynews Retrieved from

Sullivan, J. M. (2017, July 22). Orange Country Register. Retrieved from