Image Attribution: “SNS usage” by Arbin Chaudhary is licensed under CC BY-NC. (See interactive map)


Arbin Chaudhary


Assignment 03- VISA-1500-01

Terryl Atkins

SNS Analysis Part A


In the cycle of 3-5 days, the most viewed social networking platforms I have used are Facebook for my entertainment purpose, YouTube for content viewing and educational purpose, and WhatsApp for connecting with the people like friends, family, and people from work. In fact, I use social network sites for both my interpersonal communication and entertainment.

The social networking sites used for interpersonal communication like WhatsApp, Viber, Messenger, Telegram, Twitter, etc. have various benefits like they have removed all the communication and interaction barriers. These sites have been working in the field of developing to connect with the people and have created the space for personal thoughts. Social networking sites like Twitter is helpful to the person as they can expand associations of contacts, interact with large pools of people at the same time, and can also extend through thoughts and interest.  It also aids in overcoming depression and loneliness to those who are away from friends and family as these sites help in connecting through visual means. The SNS helps in strengthening interpersonal relationships, increasing creativity, building communities, and political participation (Dr. Philippa Collin, April 2011). On the other hand, in the social networking sites security is the highest concern as we are asked to give our personal information which can be used to create fake identities and use our personal information in various things like banking, using of other’s identity and being scammed. Moreover, in various SNS expressing personal thoughts can cause chaos in the virtual world and sometimes being threatened to death. Similarly, the entertainment social networking sites like Facebook, Instagram, Tik-Tok, YouTube are mostly used to view content and for educational purposes for most people. They are the platform for showing the talents or the posting various daily lifestyle create an influence amongst the people (Subramanian D. K., November 02, 2017). These sites have their own benefits like they are the platform for displaying people’s talents in the form of videos or kinds of literature. Academically, these sites are also important for the students to pursue and gain some practices on the field they have the doubt on (Pappas, 2015). While it has some disadvantages too. These make people more reliable and addicted to the sites. The content can be fake that can make people believe and follow the erroneous path.

The entertainment SNS and the interpersonal SNS quite like each other. They share the same platform and have the same features. They are designed to create the field to show interest, share thoughts and stay connected to people all over the globe. The entertainment and interpersonal SNS is a shield against depression and anxiety as they uplift self-esteem and life satisfaction thus attenuating the depressive symptoms (Elizabeth M Seabrook, 2016).

Over the past years, I have been addicted to social networking sites. I have been using social networking sites to get updated news, entertainment, and enhance my knowledge. It is the source to clear my doubts and gain information on the specific field. The others too experience the same creation and consumption as I do.


Works Cited

Dr. Philippa Collin, M. K. (April 2011). The Benefits Of Social Networking Services Use. The Benefits Of Social Networking Services, 12-20.

Elizabeth M Seabrook, M. L. (2016). Social Networking Sites, Depression, and Anxiety: A Systematic Review.

Pappas, C. (2015, September 14). 8 Important Reasons Why YouTube Should Be Part Of Your eLearning Course. Retrieved from eLearning Industry:

Subramanian, D. K. (November 02, 2017). Influence of Social Media in Interpersonal. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC PROGRESS AND RESEARCH (IJSPR), 73.

Subramanian, K. (2017/08/01). Influence of Social Media in Interpersonal Communication. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC PROGRESS AND RESEARCH (IJSPR), 73. Retrieved from